“Family not only need to consist of merely those whom we share blood, but also for those whom we’d give blood.” Charles Dickens

Welcome to our first report for 2020 dear Friends and Family!
Up front a huge “THANK YOU” to all who offered feedback on the Swiss-TV report.
There was more demand for the continuation of “Photos of the Month” than we would ever have believed. We also thank for the many comments made when people were re-subscribing!
Friends from Kununurra joined us to celebrate the new year. January brought a green tinge to the landscape as well as some good showers to cool things down at times. Many creeks only began flowing at the end of the month!
Spare energies were directed towards the construction of a hangar for a helicopter. (Understandably chopper-owners do not like hiring out machines if they end up being exposed to the elements.)
A beautiful wild bull from the Chamberlain Valley came through the gorge and joined the herd. The herd bulls just said “Sir!” and made way, not so two of the horses. We lost one and Bob and Bec were able to save the other and nurse her back to good health. (Thank you for the advice and medication, Peter!)
Moisture in the ground also allowed us to begin some wildfire mitigation for the next dry season. The chopper saved a lot of walking!
New pages have been added to the Kachana Station website. (see below)
We wish everybody a great February. - Especially enjoy that extra day we get this year!
Photos of the Month
News & Views
My respect for nature has grown yet again in these past months. News from other parts of Australia has been depressing and we empathise with those doing it tough.
“News & Views” are expressed in the new links on the Kachana Station website and via other links below:
- As promised last month, the translation into English of the blog that came out with the video aired on Swiss TV: Small Miracles in the Australian Bush
- A bureaucratically driven challenge has taken the future of Kachana to a cross-roads: More FIRE or more herbivores?
- Reading this book reminded me how lucky we really are in this country! "The Choice" by Edith Eger
- Join us at the Holistic Management Conference: Book now if you wish to attend the Allan Savory Gathering in Albury NSW in March 2020
Link of the Month
“Crisis” or “opportunity to pick up the ball”?
The big fib is that now is not the time to talk about the climate.
Tony Rinaudo (a man who has walked his talk) shares about lessons learnt living on the edge of the Sahara Desert and how they relate to Australia today.
Eine ganzheitliche Perspektive in Europa geschrieben:
Wie viel Mühe machen Kühe dem Klima wirklich?
For those who like to read in German this is an interesting article from a Swiss university magazine that offers more balanced thinking with regard to the villainous cow!