“To be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing.”
R. Williams

Dear Friends,
We hope you are all safe, fit and well.
Corona-issues did not prevent Mark, Amy, Mike and their team from launching the movie “Without a Voice” on 1st May .
The petition to terminate needless slaughter continues to attract signatures, and the Kachana donkey population remains alive.
What is now needed is communication, coordination and action, so that these valuable and willing animals can once again be put to work.
Mitigating the effects of wildfire is one thing, but for wild donkeys to actually participate in soil-building processes and the healing of land requires a whole new approach. Fortunately, we are not the only people talking about such things.
Another month with the rest of the world being isolated from Kachana led to much creativity being released. From learning how to make sausages to the discovery of Zak’s bar.
We even got a sprinkle of rain, allowing us to put in more fire-breaks.

The absence of sufficient herbivores and effective management in large tracts of the Kimberley region continues to turn people’s attention to the issue of fire.
Fire is only a tool!
Fire is simply one of many tools that humans use to modify environments.
Like a chainsaw or a bulldozer is may be useful if used appropriately. In the wrong hands, outcomes can be disastrous.
Even people who have not been in the area for long are beginning to notice disturbing trends. A newly formed group of proactive locals invited Chris to present on his perspective. Click here to view the content of the presentation to the Kimberley Fire Institute.
It appears that we live in crazy times. (See “Link of the Month” below.) As we all play our parts in doing our best to explore and build a better “new normal”, we wish you and all your loved ones a robust sense of humour.
Greetings from Kachana
Photos of the Month
News & Views
We have word from friend and mentor Allan Savory, that people are doing it tough in Zimbabwe. After decades of political turmoil and corrupt leadership the impact of global political responses to a Corona Virus has resulted in further economic fall-out in communities. The Africa Centre for Holistic Management, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe is doing its best to make a difference.
“We were experiencing government and banks in effect taking most of any donations, but have overcome that with a new donate button on the ACHM site. That now routes through SI and ensures100% and not 25% reaches us. I would love it if you could help spread the word that we do need help and that this new way of getting help to Zimbabwe is working on the site below.”
Link of the Month
There are members from the medical profession who have the courage to openly challenge the political wisdom of depriving ordinary citizens of basic liberties, all in the name of “saving lives”.
Contexts may vary, but context always matters.
Here are two physicians who take the time to put their views into context and present listeners with what we consider to be uncommon good sense:
Dr. Zach Bush - an evolutionary discussion on Coronavirus (USA)