"The complexity and dynamism of life is beyond our ability to analyse scientifically."
Provenza, Fred. Nourishment

Dear Friends and Family,
We hope you all had a good start to 2020 and may it be a year that is filled with peace and joy.
Like other areas in the region Kachana experienced some very hot and dry conditions in December. We were however blessed with a little rain and we were spared from fires. Our thoughts are with those who in other parts of Australia were not as fortunate. The stories of loss of lives, destruction and injured animals are horrific.
The family was reunited for Christmas and New Year which was very special.
On 5th January a 20-minute documentary featuring our efforts on Kachana was aired in Switzerland: Small miracles in the Australian Bush
Am 5. Januar strahlte das Schweizerfernsehen einen 20-minutigen Dokumentarfilm ueber Kachana aus: Von kleinen Wundern im australischen Busch
The blog and the video are both in German.
We are working on a translation of the blog for next month. As well as photos we hope you enjoy the pictures in the video.
We thank Simon Christen for sharing some of our lessons with a larger audience.
Jacqueline and I enjoyed the video and we are already getting some positive international feedback.
Of course it is hard to pack 30+ years into 20 minutes!
Please remember that without the support of the Waser family and many other helpers, donors and supporters over the years, we would not have survived the learning-curve.
Wir danken Simon Christen dass er die Kachanameldung an ein breiteres Publikum verteilt hat.
Jacqueline und ich haben den Film sehr genossen und ein positives internationals Echo ist schon zu vernehmen.
Natuerlich ist es sehr schwierig 30+ Jahre in 20 Minuten einzupacken!
Durchaus nicht zu vergessen ist, dass ohne Einsatz der Familie Waser und vielen anderen Helfer, Spender und Unterstuetzer, wir heute nicht viel zu zeigen haetten.
Keep safe and stay well.
The Kachana Team