Thank you for the many Christmas wishes, dear Kachana-Friends !
We hope you all got to enjoy quality time with loved ones over the festive period and had a great start to 2018!
December brought us some hot dry days but enough rain to keep the vegetation alive. We now hope for some better “growing weather” in the coming three months.
There is always something to keep us on our toes. If it is not the weather, it will be people…
Yet again it looked like we might be forced to terminate our Kachana Wild Donkey experiment. Thankfully, the “powers that be” decided to wait on a little longer. For the while we are still permitted to keep these tough little workers!
Rebecca has put up-to-date “Kachana Donkey Information” on a new web-page.
May 2018 be a productive and fulfilling year for you all,
Warm greetings from Kachana !
Links to share as we begin a new year:
A 5-minute take on how to deal with The Tragedy of the Commons - (Thank you Fettes!)
In her 19-minute TED-talk, Janine Benyus shares her belief in how we are about to embark on an evolutionary leap in culture! | Creating a Bio-Industrial Revolution - (Thank you Hendrik!)
In this 20-minute TED-talk Carl Safina's explores What animals are thinking and feeling.
(Thanks Dad for making me aware of this guy! )
Working with Nature:

Find out more about this in Judith D. Schwartz’s new article: “The Hidden Powers of a Sheep."
Not only does it return to her excellent findings on holistic land management, it also adds another layer to what that can do to lessen wildfire troubles. As was in the news, California suffered hugely from our failures in this regard. The state suffered its second wildfire of historic proportions. So the story was very timely in the U.S..
(Thank you, Todd from Craftsmanship Quarterly !)
(Those of you who looked up the “Kachana Donkey Information” will recognise a pattern.)
Quote of the month:
"The personal consequences of objecting are huge. The effect of my objection on society is miniscule. The risk isn't worth it. We should have acted ten years ago."
An unnamed American university professor comments regarding political correctness