News of August 2017

Dear Friends,

After a warmer July than June, winter finally did come with two days of frost early August.  

On the first of August Jacqueline and Chris celebrated 30 years of marriage. Thank you John and Ann for flying to Kachana in your Gyrocopter to look after the animals while we went on a three- day camping trip. We used this opportunity to explore more of the beautiful places around us.

26 of these years have been spent living on Kachana as a family. The time has come to begin handing over the reins. We are blessed in that we have the opportunity to remain based on Kachana as our capable youngsters begin to take up the slack.


The plan is for Jacqueline and Chris to focus more on community type activities. For Jacqueline this means stints in Kununurra where she works for the Department for Child Protection.

Chris has his sights on taking lessons learnt these past years to beyond Kachana:

1.   By increasing his commitment to HPMC
2.   By inviting members of the public to participate in environmental projects that extend beyond the 'duty of care' of land-holders


Meanwhile with the infusion of youthful energy, Kachana Pastoral Company continues to take seriously its role to demonstrate sound custodianship and regenerative landscape management.  


Wishing you all a productive September,


Greetings from Kachana.

Request for helping hands (& minds!):

Jacqueline will be away for a few months from mid-October onwards.  Meanwhile we are looking for an enthusiastic person (or more) who would like to experience the Kimberley build-up season: hot with the occasional storm while nature awakens from its winter-sleep!

In return for cooking and other chores around the camp: the gratitude of happy people, dog, cattle, horses, donkey, chickens and duck.

Liebe Freunde, diesmal haben wir mal etwas auf Deutsch zusammengefasst. 

Link of the month:

Joel Salatin - Solving World Problems (With Farming)

Quote of the month:

“Upon this handful of soil our survival depends. Husband it and it will grow our food, our fuel, and our shelter and surround us with beauty. Abuse it and the soil will collapse and die, taking humanity with it."

Vedas, Sanskrit Scripture, 1500 B.C.